Ten Small Businesses Tips That  Can Use to Adapt to the New Normal

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Ten Small Businesses Tips That  Can Use to Adapt to the New Normal

Ten Tips Small Businesses Can Use to Adapt to the New Normal

Ten Small Businesses Tips That  Can Use to Adapt to the New Normal

Small businesses, pay attention to this advice. During the COVID-19 pandemic, your company can survive. Utilize these 10 ten small business tips/ suggestions. Understand each of these tips can help you, no matter if it’s the coronavirus or something else setting you back.

1 Don’t Panic

Yes, these are uncharted waters for you and your team. But know you’re not alone. Also, realize you can apply the same know-how working for other companies. If you fail to keep your composure, you won’t be able to pull off the rest of these steps. Set a good example for your team to follow.

2 Seek Input from Others

Don’t ever rule out your employees having a great idea that can save your business. Maybe you have some staff who have been wanting to try out a new marketing approach or affordable technology. Take time to get their opinion. Be certain that all of your leads are active in trying to see if any of your employees have possible solutions. Even if those you ask don’t have a new idea worth using, they will appreciate your genuine interest in their feedback. You also might see company morale and productivity improve.

3 Pay Special Attention to Planning

You need to be organized. Likely during the coronavirus, for example, it might feel as if you’re flying by the seat of your pants more. Spend more time planning, even when you need quick solutions. Have multiple plans you can turn to for results. Keep track of your setbacks and your attempts to resolve them. Regularly refer back to what is and what is not working for your business.

4 Be Okay with Changes

Adopt this mindset right now if you don’t have it. Otherwise, you will not be able to adapt. You might need to make changes in one or more areas, too. Actually, expect that. Remind your staff they also have to keep a positive attitude. The success of your business depends on this.

5 Utilize Social Media

Did you know there are more than 3.5 million social media users across the globe? Don’t miss out on the opportunities to reach them, and focus on your efforts on the exact audiences you need to target. Remember most of these platforms have free tools that you can use to advertise and market your products and services. There are paid features you also can turn to, even when you have a limited budget. Always use high-res photos and videos, and make sure you include a call to action with every post you share. Finally, be certain to examine your social media metrics at least once a day.

6 Pitch the Press

Find ways to get the word out as to how you’re still relevant. See if you can grab media attention from the press. Reach out to bloggers and magazine publishers. Make sure you also contact print, radio, and TV news reporters. You can have various types of stories ran. Feature new products and services, and also company anniversaries. You could even showcase how your business is adapting to changes. And also know you can inform the public about your efforts to help nonprofit organizations in and near your community.

7 Consider Direct Mail

Always remember that mailers can help your company. As you seek ways to adapt, you must keep this strategy in mind. Know that sending the public mail could be the extra attention you need for your products and services. Remind current and potential customers about your expertise and record, too. Have as many impressions with the public as possible. Consider anyone you’ve never reached before who could be a new customer. Don’t forget to reach out to residences of any new community developments.

8 Lock in New Funding

Explore today how you can benefit from seeking funds from a company that specializes in “business only” loans. Companies like GoKapital offer you various funding options that can help you adapt. Plus, you can lock in money to help you move forward. You might want to seek professional assistance from a seasoned loan provider.

9 Utilize Government Resources

Don’t forget there are government programs for which you might also qualify. However, some of that available funding has already been secured by other companies. Remember that you still have funding options if this is the case.

10 Use Technology

Any chance you have, you need to be using technologies that the public is using. This can make or break your company. Among the resources at your disposal are video technologies. Of course, you want an overall strong web presence, too. Also, you might want to look into hiring information technology (IT) consultants. Even if you have a tech team on your staff, your business can benefit. In addition to all of your technologies being integrated, you can have fewer workplace errors and improved productivity. Not only that, but you also can build in stronger protections against data breaches.

Don’t Forget These Ten Small Business Tips

Go ahead and bookmark this blog post, small businesses. That way you more easily can reference this advice in the future. Also, feel free to share this with your employees who might find this information useful.
Best wishes as you move forward. Keep these suggestions in mind, and give them a shot. You can adapt and overcome this setback.
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