How Much Money Should You Borrow for a Small Business Loan?

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How Much Money Should You Borrow for a Small Business Loan?

How Much Money Should You Borrow for a Small Business Loan?

When you’re stepping into the realm of entrepreneurship, one of the crucial decisions you’ll face is figuring out how much to borrow for a small business loan. It’s a balancing act: ask for too little, and you might run out of funds too soon; ask for too much, and you could struggle with unnecessary debt.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the factors you need to consider to make an informed decision. If you’re looking for financing options, remember that GoKapital is here to assist you with business loans and real estate financing tailored to your needs.

What Types of Financing are Available to Small Businesses

When it comes to funding your small business, you’ve got a couple of routes to consider. One common path involves taking on some debt. This means that you borrow money, and then you’ve got to pay it back, usually with a little extra tagged on in the form of interest.

If you are planning to take a loan for your small business, you must know these different financing types:

Credit Union Financing

Credit Union could be a solid choice if you are considering financing options for your small business. Similar to banks, credit unions provide favorable rates and SBA-backed loans. However, what sets them apart is their significant increase in small-business lending.

What makes credit unions even more appealing is the variety of funding options they can offer. Beyond SBA loans, they provide lines of credit, traditional term loans, and business credit cards. This flexibility allows you to choose the financing option that aligns best with your business needs.

SBA Loans

When taking SBA loans, the SBA works with regular banks, giving them a federal thumbs-up on your loan. This will make the banks feel more comfortable about lending you money. Since SBA is behind you, you will get connected with good interest rates from regular banks.

However, remember that while SBA loans are friendlier than your usual bank loans, you must have a decent credit score of 690 and above, solid yearly revenue, and at least two years of business ownership. Beyond that, you also need to do complete paperwork.

Equity Financing

Equity financing lets you borrow money for your small business by giving someone a slice of business ownership. Sources of equity financing include angel investors, relatives and friends, and even crowdfunding.

Even though equity financing sounds promising, it is not a guaranteed ticket to get the money. Your business must have a special characteristic to turn heads and make investors think that it is worth their money.

Equity financing is a good option for startup businesses. You can use it as a booster rocket for your business. But this is not a recommended go-to solution in the long run.

How Much Can You Get for a Startup Business Loan?

When you’re eyeing a startup business loan, there are a few things that matter. First up, think of your business plan, credit history, and how well you expect your business to do. These are big deals when it comes to how much you can borrow.

Now, your credit score is like your golden ticket. It’s what shows lenders you’re good with money and you can handle financial commitments. A solid credit score says a lot about how you manage finances and it also helps lenders feel more at ease. The better your score, the sweeter the deal you’re likely to get – think lower interest rates and maybe even a bigger loan. It’s like having a smoother road to getting the funds to kickstart your business dreams.

Then there’s your business plan. This isn’t just paperwork; it’s pretty much your business’s blueprint. It shows lenders that you’ve thought things through – who you’re selling to, how you’ll make money, and how you plan to grow. A strong business plan does more than just tick a box. It’s your chance to shine a light on your strategy, how you plan to tackle risks, and how you’ll make that loan work for you.

Here at GoKapital, we get that every business has its own story. We’re not just about the numbers. We’re here to understand what you’re all about and find financial solutions that fit just right with what you’re trying to do.

And about those monthly payments for a small business loan? Well, it all boils down to how much you borrow, the interest rate, and how long you’ve got to pay it back. Generally, if you go for a bigger loan spread over a longer time, your monthly payments might be more manageable, but remember, it could mean paying more in interest over the long haul.

Average Monthly Payment for Small Business Loan

The average monthly payment for small business loans depends on different factors. One big player in this game is the interest rate. The lower the interest rate, the friendlier your monthly payment.

Beyond that, your loan term also plays a crucial role. Your loan term refers to how long you have to pay back the money. Shorter terms mean higher monthly payments, but you’re done paying sooner. Conversely, longer terms spread the pain out, but you’ll be forking over cash for a more extended period.

When determining your monthly average payment, you will encounter terms like fixed and variable rates. A fixed rate stays the same throughout your loan term. On the other hand, variable rates can throw you some curveballs. They change with the market, which means that your monthly payment might do a little dance over time.

Remember, lenders are not running a charity. They tack on fees, like origination fees, for getting the loan in the first place. These can be added to your monthly tab.

Your average monthly payment for a small business loan is like a puzzle, with interest rates, loan terms, amounts, and fees all fitting together. Get the right combo, and your monthly payment is a manageable part of your business journey.

Factors to Consider When Determining How Much Money to Borrow

When it comes to borrowing money, it’s not a one-size-fits-all situation. Determining how much to borrow for your venture involves a mix of practical considerations. It’s not a guessing game; it’s about making informed decisions based on key factors. Let’s take a quick look at what you need to consider before diving into the borrowing pool.

Loan Purpose

When you are figuring out how much money to borrow, your loan purpose will be the guide in your financial ship. Ask yourself, why are you taking out the loan? Are you looking to kickstart a new business, expand an existing one, or maybe just smooth out some cash flow wrinkles?

If you need a loan to start a business, you will need enough funds to get your idea off the ground. This includes everything from product development to marketing. On the other hand, if your business is already sailing but your ship needs a bigger deck, you need a different set of funds or growth money.

Knowing why you need the money helps you figure out how much to borrow. It’s not a one-size-fits-all situation. Each purpose comes with its price tag, and borrowing too little or too much can throw things off course.

Your Business’s Financial Health

Before borrowing money, you must consider your business’s vital signs. You want it to be strong and steady.

Check your profit and loss statement. This will serve as your business’s report card in the money game which lenders will consider in deciding whether you are a good payer. Aside from profit loss and statement, your business cash flow is another thing you have to prepare. Your cash flow shows how much your business is making and how smoothly money is flowing in and out.

Take a look at your balance sheet too. It consists of everything from what you own to what you owe. Lenders use this to see if you’re a financial tightrope walker or a stable rock.

Debt-to-Income Ratio

When you’re thinking about how much cash to borrow, that debt-to-income ratio becomes a real player in the decision game. It’s like your financial GPS, giving you the lowdown on whether you can handle more debt without going into a financial tailspin.

Your debt-to-income ratio is a measure of how much of your income goes towards paying off debts. Crunch the numbers by dividing what you owe every month by your total monthly income and bam, you’ve got your debt-to-income ratio. Lenders use this info to figure out if you’re cool to take on more debt without it turning into a financial rollercoaster.

A lower ratio is the golden ticket – it means your financial health is in good shape. You’re not drowning in debt payments, which leaves you some breathing room for life’s other money stuff. On the flip side, a higher ratio is like a red flag. It suggests you’re juggling a lot financially, and adding more debt might be like throwing another ball into the mix – things could get messy.

Lenders have their own rules too. Take mortgage lenders, for example. They’re often on the lookout for a debt-to-income ratio below 43% for regular loans. It’s like their safety check to make sure you can pay back what you borrow without sacrificing your lifestyle.

To up your chances of getting that loan green light and sweet terms, keep an eye on your debt-to-income ratio. Trim down those outstanding debts and look for ways to bring in more money. It’s like presenting your best financial self to the lenders – they love a good, responsible borrower.

When to Consider Refinancing Your Loan

Refinancing a loan demands careful consideration of various factors. Monitoring market conditions, assessing personal financial changes, and understanding the terms of your existing loan are critical steps. It’s advisable to consult with financial professionals to determine if refinancing aligns with your short and long-term financial goals.

Assessing Interest Rates

Checking out interest rates is like keeping an eye on the weather before planning a picnic. When you’re mulling over the idea of refinancing your loan, don’t forget to peek at the prevailing interest rates. Watch out for market trends – if the current rates are playing limbo and going lower than what you’re stuck with, that’s your cue. It could be the perfect moment to dive into the world of loan refinancing and snag a better deal.

Improving Credit Score

Your credit score is like your financial superhero cape. If it’s gotten a power-up since you first grabbed that loan, you might want to think about refinancing. A higher credit score usually means lower interest rates and sweeter loan conditions. It’s like upgrading to first class without the hefty price tag.

Managing Monthly Payments

If your budget feels like it’s doing acrobatics just to stay afloat, it’s time to think about refinancing. Restructuring your repayment terms, maybe stretching out that loan period, could ease the monthly payment strain. It’s like giving your wallet a breather.

Switching from Variable to Fixed Rates

or those dealing with variable-rate loans, refinancing to a fixed-rate one is like putting on financial armor. It shields you from the market’s interest rate rollercoaster, especially when things are on the up and up.

Debt Consolidation

If your wallet’s feeling the weight of multiple loans, here’s a game-changer – debt consolidation through refinancing. It’s like tidying up a messy room; you streamline all those payments into one. This not only simplifies your financial life but could also score you a lower overall interest rate.

Capitalizing on Increased Home Equity

For homeowners, an increase in property value can be an opportunity for refinancing. With higher home equity, you may qualify for more favorable loan terms. This is particularly relevant for mortgage refinancing.

Evaluating Loan Terms

Over time, your financial goals and circumstances may shift. Review your current loan terms and assess if they align with your present objectives. Refinancing provides a chance to tailor your loan to better suit your financial strategy.


Figuring out how much to borrow for your small business loan is important, and honestly, it deserves a good bit of thought. You’ve got to look at what your business needs, how much you can realistically handle financially, and, of course, keep an eye on those loan terms. It’s all about making a choice that’s going to help your business grow and keep things running smoothly.

Don’t forget that GoKapital is here to lend a hand. They are all about helping you find a business loan that fits just right for your situation. If you’ve got questions or need more info on our business loans and real estate financing, just give them a call and they’ll help you.



GoKapital offers business owners alternative working capital solutions through our various funding programs for business loans.