Business advice against the Florida Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Business advice against the Florida Coronavirus (COVID-19)


The Florida Coronavirus or Florida COVID-19 pandemic and its great contagion throughout the planet reveals a new scenario for companies since its spread has shown a negative impact on the global economy.
From the labor area, measures published by government entities have been taken on the procedure for action regarding services to prevent exposure to the risk of coronavirus.
All these prevention measures, although they have safeguarded the lives of thousands of employees, also represent an alert for companies since production and profit margin are threatened, for this reason we show you the best alternatives to face the crisis during the quarantine.

Measures against the Florida COVID-19 that your company can take:


  • Remote Working

Teleworking is one of the best measures to be taken by a company during a crisis. In China, for example, it is common to find the phrase “Remote Work” and it became more viral since the appearance of Florida Coronavirus on December 31st.
Of course, there are jobs that require the presence of workers, in factories or manufacturing companies. But this would help all those medium and small companies that can count on workers to work remotely until the crisis ends.
Using the Chinese experience as a role model, there are a few steps that serve to maximize the efficiency of remote work, such as:
-Allows employees who can do remote work to stay at home. This will help you as a company to gain knowledge and planning in case of executing operations quickly.
-Train your leaders and coordinators. Teach them that work schedules should be respected even when working remotely. They must keep the rules in mind and abide by them even when they are not in an office.
-Identify which employees are the most important to work remotely. If you urgently need the knowledge of one of your employees, make sure they have all the tools to work fully, such as: the internet, space and a computer, and prepare them to perform functions remotely.
-Think about all the possible scenarios that could affect your company with your employees working remotely. Use all the planning techniques you have so that you are prepared for any eventuality.

  • Florida Coronavirus – Keeping sick employees at home:

Possibly, when you receive a call from an employee reporting ill, you may have contracted Florida Coronavirus. You must anticipate any risk and encourage your workers to stay home. Many cities in the USA require employers to provide paid sick leave, this includes some free time for employees to recover.
Try to be more aware when requesting requirements such as medical records, since it is about being a little more preventive with the spread of the virus, and you also help health care providers not be so inundated with people.

  • Florida Coronavirus – Promote healthy practices and hygiene:

Encourage your employees to perform healthy or hygienic practices, such as washing their hands and disinfecting their workplace. You must make all hygiene implements such as soap, towels, disinfectants, antibacterials available in the workplace.
Employers must also abide by these orders to be role models and to organize regular cleanup.

  • Florida Coronavirus Maintain confidentiality

If you are informed that any of your employees have COVID-19 or suspect that they have contracted it, as an employer you should exercise caution and maintain confidentiality regarding the employee’s diagnosis.
In addition, you should avoid asking and asking questions that could be uncomfortable for the carrier or possible carrier of the virus.
It is of great importance to emphasize that the US has not reached the most significant stage of the virus and as employers and workers we are in a process of understanding and fighting against Florida Coronavirus. The situation is getting worse and worse, but it is in our hands how to fight against it and pay close attention to government measures.
GoKapital, in support of all measures to prevent the virus, provides you with quality information, so that you can take care of both your company and yours.



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